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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Is ISIS Back? Actually, It Never Left the Building

In the wake of yet another foiled ISIS-inspired terrorist plot, this one by a Canada-based Pakistani seeking to kill Jews in New York on the anniversary of last year’s Hamas attack in Israel, everyone is loudly proclaiming: “ISIS is back.”
And yet this analysis is wrong.
For someone or something to “be back” it has to have left in the first place. This return can be surprising or expected, but in the end it is of note. With respect to the ISIS terrorist group, it has not “resurged” because it never went away in the first place.
ISIS went on to create what it called the caliphate, spanning parts of Iraq, Syria, and Kurdish territory, and carried out unspeakable crimes over a half decade, including beheadings, drownings, burning people alive in cages, mass executions, sexual slavery, and “markets” where women were bought and sold to ISIS “fighters.” The group went on to attempt genocide against the Yazidi religious sect, dismissing its members as “devil worshippers.”
Thanks to the United States and its coalition partners, the caliphate was dissolved by 2019. Many celebrated the end of these monstrous jihadis.
The Canadian government has to take this threat seriously and stop pretending that jihadi terrorism is yesterday’s problem, usurped by right-wing extremism. Immigration and border agencies and officials have to perform their due diligence to ensure that ISIS terrorists do not gain refugee/citizenship status.
Pretending that terrorism has peaked is a bad position to adopt. I realize that other threats are also on the rise—foreign interference/influence, espionage, cyberattacks, etc.—but terrorism is unique in that it captures the nation’s attention like no other act of violence.
ISIS will stay at the top of that threat pyramid for some time to come. It never left.
